Why Does My Pomeranian Follow Me Everywhere and How to Handle It?

If you’ve ever wondered why your Pomeranian sticks by your side like a loyal shadow, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating reasons behind why your fluffy companion tends to follow you everywhere, from the kitchen to the bathroom. Whether it’s driven by instinct, love, or a combination thereof, we’ll uncover the secrets behind this endearing behavior. Additionally, we’ll provide some helpful tips on how to handle your Pomeranian’s constant presence, ensuring a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend. So, let’s delve into the world of Pomeranian companionship and discover the joys of having a devoted sidekick wherever you go.

Table of Contents

Understanding Pomeranians

Overview of the Pomeranian breed

The Pomeranian breed, known for its small size and fluffy coat, is a popular choice among dog owners. Originally bred as larger sled-pulling dogs, Pomeranians have since been bred down to their current toy-sized stature. They are energetic, intelligent, and adaptable, making them great companions for individuals and families alike.

Characteristics of Pomeranians

Pomeranians typically weigh between 3 to 7 pounds and stand around 6 to 7 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a double coat that comes in various colors, including orange, red, cream, black, and blue. Pomeranians require regular grooming to keep their coat clean and free from mats. Despite their small size, they have a lively and spirited personality, often displaying confidence, alertness, and curiosity.

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Temperament and behavior of Pomeranians

Pomeranians are known to be friendly, outgoing, and affectionate dogs. They thrive on attention and enjoy being part of their owner’s activities. Pomeranians are intelligent, which makes them quick learners, but they can also be stubborn at times. It’s important to provide consistent training and establish clear boundaries to prevent behavioral issues.

Reasons for Pomeranian’s Attachment

Natural pack instincts

Pomeranians have a strong sense of pack instincts due to their ancestry as working dogs. They are wired to form close bonds and seek companionship within their social group, which includes their human family members.

Seeking companionship and security

Pomeranians are social animals and crave constant companionship. They often choose to stick close to their owners to feel safe, secure, and loved. Your Pomeranian may follow you everywhere as a way of seeking comfort and reassurance.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common issue among Pomeranians and can contribute to their attachment behavior. When left alone, Pomeranians may experience anxiety and express their distress by following their owners obsessively.

Protective instincts

Pomeranians have a strong instinct to protect their loved ones. They see themselves as the guardians of their family and may follow you everywhere to ensure your safety and well-being.

Desire for attention and affection

Pomeranians thrive on attention and affection from their owners. When they follow you everywhere, it’s often a reflection of their deep-rooted desire to be near you and receive your love and attention.

Positive Aspects of a Pomeranian’s Attachment

Loyal and devoted companionship

A Pomeranian’s attachment can be seen as a positive trait, as it signifies their loyalty and devotion to their owners. They will be there for you through thick and thin, providing constant companionship and support.

Enhanced security for the owner

With a Pomeranian constantly by your side, you can feel more secure in your home and surroundings. Their keen sense of alertness and protective nature can act as a deterrent to potential intruders.

Increased social interaction for the dog

By following you everywhere, Pomeranians have the opportunity to socialize with people and other animals. This constant exposure can help them develop good social skills, making them more comfortable in different situations.

Negative Consequences of Excessive Attachment

Unhealthy dependence

Excessive attachment can lead to an unhealthy dependence on their owners. If a Pomeranian becomes overly reliant on their human, they may struggle to cope when left alone or when their owner is not available.

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Separation anxiety issues

Pomeranians with excessive attachment may develop separation anxiety, which can result in destructive behavior, excessive barking, and other stress-related symptoms. It’s important to address separation anxiety to ensure your Pomeranian’s well-being.

Behavioral problems

Being overly attached can lead to behavioral problems in Pomeranians. If not properly managed, they may exhibit possessiveness, aggressive behavior towards others, and an inability to function independently.

Creating a Balanced Relationship

Establishing clear boundaries

To maintain a healthy attachment while avoiding excessive dependence, it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries from the beginning. Train your Pomeranian to understand basic commands and enforce rules consistently.

Providing sufficient exercise and mental stimulation

A well-exercised Pomeranian is more likely to be content and less clingy. Engage in regular play sessions, provide stimulating toys, and offer mental challenges to keep your Pomeranian’s mind occupied.

Ensuring regular socialization

Expose your Pomeranian to different environments, people, and animals from an early age. This will help them develop good social skills and reduce their reliance solely on you for companionship.

Reducing separation anxiety

Gradually acclimate your Pomeranian to being alone by leaving them for short periods and gradually increasing the duration. Create a safe and comfortable space for them, and consider using calming aids, such as soothing music or a pheromone diffuser.

Training Techniques to Manage Attachment

Teaching independence and alone time

Encourage your Pomeranian to spend short periods alone by gradually increasing the time they spend in a designated space without your presence. Reward calm and independent behavior, reinforcing the idea that being alone is safe and enjoyable.

Using positive reinforcement and reward-based training

Pomeranians respond well to positive reinforcement. Reward desired behavior with treats, praise, and affection. This will help create a positive association with independence and reduce their need to be constantly by your side.

Gradual desensitization to separation

Through gradual desensitization, expose your Pomeranian to short periods of separation, starting with just a few minutes and gradually increasing the duration over time. This will help them build confidence and reduce separation anxiety.

Seeking professional help if needed

If your Pomeranian’s attachment issues persist or become severe, it may be beneficial to seek the assistance of a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist. They can provide personalized guidance and develop a tailored plan to manage your dog’s attachment behavior.

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Preventing Behavior Issues

Early socialization and training

Start socializing and training your Pomeranian from an early age to prevent behavior issues. Expose them to various situations, people, and animals, and provide consistent positive reinforcement-based training to shape their behavior.

Avoiding excessive coddling or overattachment

While it’s important to show love and affection to your Pomeranian, be mindful of not overindulging their clingy behavior. Avoid excessive coddling and instead encourage independence and confident behavior.

Establishing consistent routines and rules

Consistency is key when preventing behavior issues. Establish a daily routine for your Pomeranian, including feeding, exercise, and playtime. Enforce rules consistently to establish boundaries and provide structure in their life.

Avoiding Enabling Behaviors

Ignoring attention-seeking behavior

If your Pomeranian is seeking attention excessively, it’s important to not reinforce this behavior. Ignore attention-seeking behavior and only give attention when your Pomeranian is calm and displaying desired behavior.

Avoiding punishment or negative reinforcement

Punishment or negative reinforcement can have detrimental effects on your Pomeranian’s behavior and attachment issues. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and reward-based training methods to shape their behavior.

Promoting independence and self-confidence

Encourage your Pomeranian to be independent and confident by providing opportunities for them to explore, learn, and problem-solve on their own. This will help them develop self-assurance and reduce their need for constant attention.

Recognizing and Addressing Separation Anxiety

Identifying signs of separation anxiety

It’s important to recognize the signs of separation anxiety in your Pomeranian. These may include excessive barking, destructive behavior, house soiling, pacing, or drooling excessively when left alone.

Gradual desensitization and counterconditioning

To address separation anxiety, gradually desensitize your Pomeranian to being alone by exposing them to short periods of separation and pairing it with positive experiences, such as treats or a favorite toy. This will help them develop a positive association with being alone.

Providing comforting items or safe spaces

Create a comforting environment for your Pomeranian when they are left alone. Provide them with familiar items, such as a favorite blanket or toys, and create a safe space where they can retreat to when feeling anxious.

Consulting a veterinarian or professional trainer

If your Pomeranian’s separation anxiety persists or worsens despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to consult a veterinarian or professional dog trainer who specializes in behavior issues. They can provide further guidance and suggest therapeutic interventions to help manage separation anxiety.

Seeking Professional Help

When the attachment becomes problematic

If your Pomeranian’s attachment becomes problematic and begins to interfere with their overall well-being or your daily life, it’s important to seek professional help. A veterinarian or animal behaviorist can assess the situation and provide guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

Consulting a veterinarian or animal behaviorist

Veterinarians and animal behaviorists are trained professionals who can provide expert advice and guidance when dealing with attachment issues in Pomeranians. They can assess the underlying causes and develop a customized treatment plan to address the problem.

Therapeutic interventions and solutions

Professional help may involve the implementation of therapeutic interventions, such as behavior modification techniques, medication (if necessary and prescribed by a veterinarian), or other solutions specifically tailored to your Pomeranian’s needs. Working with a professional can increase the chances of successfully managing attachment issues.

In conclusion, while it’s natural for Pomeranians to form strong attachments to their owners, it’s important to establish a balanced relationship to prevent dependency and behavior issues. By understanding the reasons behind their attachment and implementing appropriate training techniques, you can ensure a healthy and fulfilling bond with your Pomeranian.