Tips for Training a Pomeranian Puppy

If you’ve recently welcomed a furry bundle of joy into your home in the form of a Pomeranian puppy, you may be wondering how to best train and care for your new four-legged friend. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and techniques that will help you navigate the exciting journey of training your Pomeranian puppy. Whether it’s teaching them basic commands or helping them become well-behaved members of your family, we’ve got you covered. So, grab a treat and get ready to embark on a rewarding training adventure with your Pomeranian puppy!

Table of Contents

Start training early

When it comes to training your Pomeranian puppy, it’s important to start early. Pomeranians are intelligent and eager to please, so beginning training as soon as you bring them home can set the foundation for a well-behaved companion.

Introduce basic commands

The first step in training your Pomeranian is to introduce them to basic commands. Commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” “lie down,” “leave it,” and “drop it” are essential for teaching your furry friend how to behave appropriately in different situations. Start with one command at a time, using positive reinforcement and repetition to help them understand what you’re asking of them.

Establish a consistent routine

Pomeranians thrive in a structured environment, so establishing a consistent routine is key to their training. Set specific times for meals, walks, and training sessions, and stick to them as closely as possible. This will help your Pomeranian understand what is expected of them and make training easier and more effective.

Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool when it comes to training your Pomeranian. Rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or a favorite toy helps them understand that they’re doing something right. Be generous with your positive reinforcement, and your Pomeranian will be more motivated to continue behaving well.

Be patient and consistent

Training a Pomeranian may take time and patience. Remember that your furry friend is still learning and may not grasp a command right away. Stay calm and be consistent in your training approach. Consistency is key when training any dog, and Pomeranians respond well to routine and repetition. With perseverance and a friendly, patient attitude, you’ll soon see progress in your Pomeranian’s training.

Socialize your Pomeranian

Socializing your Pomeranian is essential for their overall well-being. It helps them develop good manners and become comfortable in various environments. Here are some tips to help you socialize your Pomeranian effectively.

Expose them to different people and animals

From a young age, introduce your Pomeranian to different people and animals. This exposure will help them become comfortable and confident in various social situations. Arrange playdates with other dogs, invite friends and family over to interact with your pup, and take them to parks or dog-friendly events where they can meet new people and animals.

Introduce them to various environments

To build their confidence, gradually introduce your Pomeranian to different environments. Start with quiet, familiar places like your backyard and then slowly expose them to busier environments such as parks, cafes, or shopping centers. The goal is to make them feel at ease in different surroundings, reducing the chances of fear or anxiety in new situations.

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Encourage positive interactions

During socialization, it’s important to encourage positive interactions between your Pomeranian and other dogs, people, and animals. Use treats and praise to reinforce good behavior when they approach or interact with others in a friendly and appropriate manner. This positive reinforcement will help them associate socializing with positive experiences.

Avoid overwhelming situations

While it’s crucial to socialize your Pomeranian, be mindful of overwhelming situations. If your pup shows signs of fear or distress, such as hiding, cowering, or excessive panting, remove them from the situation and try again in a calmer environment. Gradually expose them to more challenging situations as they become more comfortable and confident.

Teach basic commands

Teaching your Pomeranian basic commands is an essential part of their training. These commands will not only make your life easier but also keep your furry friend safe in different situations. Here are some important commands to focus on during your training sessions.


Teaching your Pomeranian to sit is a fundamental command. It helps instill control and prevents them from jumping on people or becoming overly excited. Start by holding a treat close to their nose and moving it upwards. As their head follows the treat, their bottom will naturally lower to the ground. Once they’re in a sitting position, give the command “sit” and reward them with the treat.


The “stay” command is crucial for keeping your Pomeranian in place, especially in potentially dangerous situations. Start by having your pup sit in front of you. With the palm of your hand facing them, say “stay” and take a step back. If they remain in place, praise them and give them a treat. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the “stay” command as they become more comfortable with it.


The “come” command is vital for ensuring your Pomeranian’s safety and getting their attention when necessary. Start by kneeling down and calling their name followed by the command “come” in a warm and inviting tone. Always reward them with praise and treats when they come to you. Practice this command in various environments to reinforce their understanding.

Lie down

The “lie down” command is useful for situations where you want your Pomeranian to relax or stay in one place. Start by having them sit in front of you, then hold a treat close to their nose and lower it to the ground. As they follow the treat, they will naturally lie down. Once they’re in the desired position, give the command “lie down” and praise them.

Leave it

The “leave it” command is essential for preventing your Pomeranian from picking up something they shouldn’t have. Hold a treat in your closed fist and show it to them. When they try to sniff or paw at your hand, firmly say “leave it.” Wait for them to lose interest and then reward them with a different treat or toy. Repeat this command with various objects to reinforce the behavior.

Drop it

The “drop it” command teaches your Pomeranian to release items from their mouth on command. Start with a toy they enjoy playing with. Hold the toy in your hand and say “take it” to encourage them to grab it. Once they have the toy in their mouth, show them a treat and say “drop it.” As they release the toy, reward them with the treat and lots of praise.

Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a highly effective training method for Pomeranians. It involves rewarding your pup for good behavior, encouraging them to repeat those behaviors in the future. Here are some tips for using positive reinforcement in your Pomeranian’s training.

Reward good behavior with treats or praise

When your Pomeranian successfully follows a command or exhibits good behavior, reward them with treats, praise, or a combination of both. Choose small, tasty treats that your pup loves and offer them immediately after they perform the desired action. Alternatively, use a cheerful tone of voice and lavish them with praise for a job well done.

Use a clicker for consistent reinforcement

Using a clicker can be a helpful tool for consistent reinforcement during training sessions. The clicker provides a distinct sound that marks the exact moment your Pomeranian does something correctly. Pair the clicker sound with treats to reinforce positive behavior. With time, your Pomeranian will associate the clicker with rewards and understand that they have done something right.

Avoid punishment or harsh training methods

Pomeranians respond best to positive reinforcement, so it’s important to avoid punishment or harsh training methods. Yelling at or physically disciplining your pup can lead to fear, anxiety, and a strained bond between you and your furry friend. Instead, focus on rewarding desirable behavior and redirecting unwanted behavior onto more appropriate alternatives.

Focus on encouragement and rewards

Incorporate encouragement and rewards into every training session. Cheer your Pomeranian on with enthusiasm, use their favorite treats as rewards, and celebrate their successes. By focusing on positive reinforcement, your Pomeranian will be more motivated to learn and please you.

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Crate training

Crate training is an effective way to provide your Pomeranian with a safe space while also helping with house training and preventing destructive behaviors. Here are some tips to make crate training a positive experience for your furry friend.

Choose the right crate size

Selecting the appropriate crate size is important to ensure your Pomeranian feels comfortable and secure. The crate should be large enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not so large that they can use one area as a bathroom and the other for sleeping.

Make the crate comfortable

Make the crate inviting and cozy for your Pomeranian by lining it with a soft blanket or bed. Add their favorite toys or a chew bone to keep them entertained. The more comfortable and appealing the crate is, the more your Pomeranian will view it as a safe space.

Gradually introduce your Pomeranian to the crate

Introduce the crate to your Pomeranian gradually to prevent any feelings of anxiety or fear. Start by leaving the crate door open and placing treats or their meals inside, encouraging them to enter willingly. As they become more comfortable, gradually close the crate door for short periods while you’re in the room and then extend the time gradually.

Associate the crate with positive experiences

To create positive associations with the crate, use treats, praise, and verbal cues when your Pomeranian enters or stays inside their crate willingly. Avoid using the crate as a form of punishment, as this can breed negative associations. You want your Pomeranian to view their crate as a safe and enjoyable space, not a place of isolation or stress.

Use the crate for short periods initially

During the initial stages of crate training, limit the amount of time your Pomeranian spends in the crate. Gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable. Avoid leaving them in the crate for extended periods, especially when they are young, as Pomeranians need frequent bathroom breaks and social interaction.

House training

House training is an essential aspect of raising a Pomeranian puppy. With consistency and patience, you can teach your Pomeranian where and when it’s appropriate to relieve themselves. Here are some tips to help with house training:

Establish a routine for bathroom breaks

Establishing a routine for bathroom breaks is key to successful house training. Take your Pomeranian outside to the same spot at regular intervals, such as first thing in the morning, after meals, after playtime, and before bedtime. Consistency will help them understand that this is the designated area for going potty.

Take your Pomeranian outside frequently

Especially during the early stages of house training, take your Pomeranian outside frequently, even if they don’t show signs of needing to go. Puppies have small bladders and need more frequent bathroom breaks. This will prevent accidents inside the house and reinforce the idea of going potty outside.

Reward them for going potty outside

When your Pomeranian successfully goes potty outside, reward them with treats, praise, and enthusiastic encouragement. Make a big deal out of their accomplishment to reinforce that going outside is the desired behavior.

Clean any accidents thoroughly to remove odor

If your Pomeranian has an accident inside the house, it’s important to clean it thoroughly to remove any lingering odor. Use enzymatic cleaners specifically designed for pet accidents to effectively eliminate the scent. This will help prevent your Pomeranian from being attracted to that spot again.

Be consistent and patient

House training takes time and patience. Puppies learn at different speeds, and accidents are a normal part of the process. Stay consistent with your routine and reinforcement, and be patient with your furry friend. With time and consistency, your Pomeranian will understand where and when to go potty.

Prevent excessive barking

Pomeranians are known for their alertness and tendency to bark. While some barking is natural, excessive barking can become a problem. Here’s how you can manage and prevent excessive barking in your Pomeranian.

Identify the triggers for barking

Start by identifying the triggers that cause your Pomeranian to bark excessively. It could be doorbells, strangers, other animals, or even certain sounds. Understanding the triggers will help you address the root cause of the barking behavior.

Redirect their attention to an appropriate behavior

When your Pomeranian starts to bark excessively, divert their attention to an appropriate behavior. Use toys, treats, or a command like “sit” or “down” to distract them from barking. Reward them for responding to the distraction and reinforce the desired behavior.

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Use commands such as ‘quiet’ or ‘enough’

Teaching your Pomeranian the command “quiet” or “enough” can be helpful in curbing excessive barking. When they start barking, firmly say the command and wait for a moment of silence. Immediately reward them for being quiet. Practice this command consistently, gradually increasing the duration of quiet behavior before rewarding.

Provide mental and physical stimulation

Excessive barking can be a sign of boredom or pent-up energy. Keep your Pomeranian mentally and physically stimulated by providing interactive toys, puzzles, daily walks, and playtime. A tired and engaged Pomeranian is less likely to bark excessively.

Avoid reinforcing barking behavior by giving in

It’s important not to reinforce excessive barking behavior by giving in to your Pomeranian’s demands or anxieties. If they bark for attention or to be let outside, wait for a moment of silence before responding to their needs. Consistently rewarding quiet behavior will discourage excessive barking.

Manage separation anxiety

Pomeranians are prone to separation anxiety, which can manifest as destructive behavior or excessive barking when left alone. With proper management, you can help your furry companion feel more secure when you’re away. Here are some strategies to manage separation anxiety:

Gradually increase alone time

Start by gradually increasing the amount of time your Pomeranian spends alone. Begin with short periods, such as leaving them alone in a separate room for a few minutes, and then gradually extend the duration. This helps them become accustomed to being alone and builds their confidence.

Create a safe and comfortable space

Designate a safe and comfortable space for your Pomeranian when you’re not at home. Provide them with their bed, favorite toys, and items that have your scent, such as a blanket or clothing. This will create a sense of familiarity and security, helping to alleviate separation anxiety.

Use calming aids like music or pheromone sprays

Calming aids such as soothing music, calming pheromone sprays, or anxiety wraps can help alleviate separation anxiety in Pomeranians. These aids create a more relaxing environment and can make your furry friend feel more secure when home alone.

Engage in exercise and mental stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential for preventing separation anxiety. Pomeranians need both physical and mental outlets for their energy. Engage in daily play sessions, walks, and interactive toys to tire them out before leaving them alone. A tired Pomeranian is less likely to exhibit anxious behaviors.

Seek professional help if severe

If your Pomeranian’s separation anxiety is severe or persistent, it may be necessary to seek professional help from a dog behaviorist or trainer. They can provide guidance tailored to your Pomeranian’s specific needs and help create a customized plan to manage their anxiety.

Address chewing and biting

Chewing and biting are natural behaviors for Pomeranian puppies, but it’s important to redirect and discourage these behaviors to avoid damage and potential accidents. Here’s how to address chewing and biting effectively.

Provide appropriate chew toys

Offer a variety of appropriate chew toys for your Pomeranian to redirect their chewing behavior. Choose toys specifically designed for puppies, made of sturdy materials that won’t easily be destroyed. Encourage them to chew on these toys instead of household items or furniture.

Redirect biting onto toys and discourage mouthing

When your Pomeranian starts biting or mouthing, redirect their attention to an appropriate chew toy. Say “no” or “leave it” in a firm but calm tone and give them the chew toy to focus on. Consistency is key in reinforcing which items they are allowed to bite and chew.

Use commands like ‘leave it’ or ‘drop it’

Commands like “leave it” or “drop it” are essential for teaching your Pomeranian to release objects or stop biting on command. Use these commands when they have something they shouldn’t, and reward them when they comply. Practice these commands regularly to reinforce the desired behavior.

Avoid rough play that encourages biting

While playful interactions are important for bonding with your Pomeranian, it’s important to avoid rough play that may encourage biting. Refrain from using your hands or feet as toys during playtime, as this can confuse your pup and lead to biting behavior. Instead, use appropriate toys for play, such as tug ropes or rubber chew toys.

Consistency and patience are key

Consistency and patience are vital when addressing chewing and biting behavior in Pomeranians. Puppies explore the world with their mouths, and it takes time for them to learn appropriate chewing behavior. Stay consistent in redirecting and discouraging unwanted chewing and biting, and be patient as your Pomeranian learns what is acceptable.

Attend puppy classes or seek professional help

Attending puppy training classes or seeking professional help can greatly enhance your Pomeranian’s training experience. Here’s how these resources can benefit you and your furry friend:

Enroll in a puppy training class

Puppy training classes provide a structured environment where you and your Pomeranian can learn together. These classes cover essential obedience commands, socialization, and problem-solving techniques. They also provide an opportunity for your pup to interact with other dogs in a controlled and supervised setting.

Seek guidance from a professional dog trainer

If you’re facing specific challenges in training your Pomeranian, seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer can be immensely helpful. A trainer can provide personalized advice and techniques tailored to your Pomeranian’s needs, ensuring you’re working towards the best solutions for behavioral issues or training obstacles.

Learn from experienced Pomeranian owners

Connecting with experienced Pomeranian owners can be a valuable source of information and support. They can provide firsthand knowledge and share tips and tricks they’ve learned from raising their own Pomeranians. Online communities and local breed clubs are great places to find experienced Pomeranian owners who are willing to help.

Ask for assistance with specific challenges

Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if you’re struggling with specific challenges in training your Pomeranian. Whether it’s house training, separation anxiety, or any other issue, there are resources available to help you navigate these challenges. Remember, you’re not alone in your journey, and seeking help is a proactive step towards a well-trained and happy Pomeranian.

Training a Pomeranian requires time, patience, and a positive attitude. By starting early, socializing your Pomeranian, teaching them basic commands, using positive reinforcement, and addressing specific challenges, you can create a solid foundation for a well-behaved and happy companion. Remember, training is an ongoing process, and with consistency and love, your Pomeranian will continue to learn and grow throughout their life.