Fun Activities to Keep Your Pomeranian Entertained

If you’re a proud owner of a Pomeranian, you know that these little balls of fur are full of energy and always ready for some fun. However, keeping them entertained can be a challenge. But fret not, because in this article, you’ll discover a variety of fun activities that are sure to keep your Pomeranian happy and engaged. From interactive toys to stimulating games, we’ve got you covered with plenty of ideas to ensure that your furry friend never has a dull moment. Let’s dive into the world of Pomeranian entertainment!

Pomeranian Toys

Interactive Treat Toys

Interactive treat toys are a fantastic way to keep your Pomeranian entertained for hours on end. These toys are designed to challenge your pup’s problem-solving skills while rewarding them with tasty treats. When you fill the toy with treats or kibble, your Pomeranian will have to figure out how to manipulate the toy to release the goodies. This not only provides mental stimulation but also helps to prevent boredom and anxiety. Plus, it’s always a joy to watch your furry friend conquer the puzzle and enjoy their well-deserved treat.

Plush Toys with Squeakers

Plush toys with squeakers are a classic favorite for Pomeranians. These soft and cuddly toys not only offer comfort but also provide endless entertainment. The squeakers hidden inside the toys add an element of surprise, as your Pomeranian will delight in discovering the source of the sound. Whether it’s a plush squirrel, a squeaky ball, or a fluffy duck, these toys are sure to keep your Pomeranian happily engaged for hours on end. Just make sure to supervise your pup during playtime to prevent any accidents or damage to the toy.

Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys are another fantastic option to keep your Pomeranian mentally stimulated and entertained. These toys usually require your pup to solve a series of challenges to retrieve a hidden treat. From spinning discs to sliding compartments, puzzle toys come in various shapes and sizes, catering to different difficulty levels. Not only do these toys exercise your Pomeranian’s brain, but they also provide a good outlet for their natural instincts, such as problem-solving and foraging. Be sure to choose puzzle toys that are appropriately sized for your Pomeranian, and always supervise them during playtime.

Walks and Outdoor Activities

Daily Walks

Daily walks are an essential part of keeping your Pomeranian healthy and happy. Despite their small size, Pomeranians have plenty of energy and need regular exercise to stay in tiptop shape. Aim for at least one 20 to 30-minute walk per day to help burn off excess energy and prevent behavioral issues caused by boredom. Additionally, walks provide an opportunity for your Pomeranian to explore new scents, socialize with other dogs, and enjoy the fresh air. Remember to use a harness instead of a collar to prevent injury to your Pomeranian’s delicate neck.

Hiking Adventures

If you’re looking to spice up your Pomeranian’s outdoor adventures, consider taking them on hiking trips. Pomeranians may be small, but they are incredibly adaptable and love exploring new environments. Research local trails or hiking routes that are suitable for small dogs, ensuring they have suitable terrain and amenities such as water sources and rest areas. Be sure to bring plenty of water and snacks for both you and your Pomeranian, as well as a sturdy leash for added safety. Hiking with your furry friend is a great way to bond and create lasting memories together.

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Dog Park Visits

Dog parks are a wonderful way to provide your Pomeranian with Socialization opportunities and plenty of exercise. These designated areas allow dogs to run off-leash, interact with other canines, and burn off excess energy. However, before taking your Pomeranian to the dog park, ensure they are up to date on vaccinations and are well-trained in basic commands. It’s essential to keep a close eye on your pup during park visits and intervene if any potential conflicts or safety concerns arise. With proper supervision and socialization, your Pomeranian can have a blast playing with new furry friends in a safe environment.

Hide and Seek

Hide Treats Around the House

Playing a game of hide and seek by hiding treats around the house is an excellent way to exercise your Pomeranian’s scenting abilities and stimulate their minds. Start by using a strong-smelling treat, such as freeze-dried liver or small pieces of cheese. While your Pomeranian is in a separate room, hide the treats in various locations throughout the house. Then, let your pup loose to sniff out the hidden treasures. This game not only engages their sense of smell but also provides a fun and rewarding activity that taps into their natural instincts.

Play Hide and Seek with Family Members

Taking the classic game of hide and seek to the next level, involve your family members in the fun! Have someone hold your Pomeranian while you find a hiding spot. Once you’re ready, give a clear command for your family member to release your pup and start searching for you. As your Pomeranian eagerly searches for their favorite human, they’ll not only exercise their scenting abilities but also enjoy the excitement of the chase. This game is a fantastic way to bond with your Pomeranian and provide mental stimulation through problem-solving and exploration.

Training Games

Teach New Tricks

Training your Pomeranian is not only beneficial for obedience but also provides mental stimulation and strengthens your bond. Teach your pup new tricks, starting with basic commands like sit, stay, lie down, and paw. Once they master these commands, move on to more exciting tricks such as roll over, play dead, and even jumping through hoops. Using positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, will motivate your Pomeranian to learn and excel. Training games are not only enjoyable for your pup but also allow you to showcase their talents to family and friends.

Obstacle Course

Setting up a mini obstacle course in your backyard or living room can be a fun challenge for your Pomeranian. Use everyday items such as chairs, cushions, and hula hoops to create a course that includes jumps, tunnels, and weaving poles. Guide your Pomeranian through the course using treats and commands, rewarding them for successfully completing each obstacle. This activity promotes physical exercise, coordination, and problem-solving skills. It’s important to ensure that the course is safe and appropriate for your Pomeranian’s size and abilities, always placing their safety as the utmost priority.

Treasure Hunt

Turn your Pomeranian into a little treasure hunter with an exciting game of hide and seek for objects. Start by hiding their favorite toy or a treat in a relatively easy-to-find location. Encourage your Pomeranian to find the hidden treasure using both verbal cues and hand signals. Once they become proficient at finding objects, increase the difficulty level by hiding the items in more challenging spots. This game enhances your Pomeranian’s scenting abilities, sharpens their observational skills, and provides a stimulating mental challenge that they’ll thoroughly enjoy.

Homemade Agility Course

DIY Jumps and Tunnels

Creating a homemade agility course is a fantastic way to exercise your Pomeranian both physically and mentally. Start by setting up simple jumps using household items like broomsticks or pool noodles placed at varying heights. Guide your Pomeranian to jump over the obstacles using verbal commands and rewards. You can also construct a small tunnel using blankets or cardboard boxes, encouraging your pup to run through it. Keep the obstacles low and safe to prevent injury, and always supervise your Pomeranian closely during agility training.

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Weaving Poles

Weaving poles are a popular obstacle in professional agility courses and can be easily recreated at home for your Pomeranian. Begin by placing several poles in a row, leaving sufficient space in between for your pup to weave in and out. Use treats and verbal commands to guide your Pomeranian through the weaving poles, rewarding them for successfully maneuvering through the course. This activity not only develops your Pomeranian’s agility and coordination but also keeps them mentally engaged. Remember to start with a small number of poles at a slower pace and gradually increase the difficulty as your pup becomes more confident.

Ladder Steps

If you have a step ladder or a sturdy staircase at home, you can use it to create ladder steps for your Pomeranian to conquer. Place treats on each step, encouraging your pup to climb up and down the ladder using verbal cues and rewards. This activity helps improve your Pomeranian’s balance, coordination, and confidence. It’s important to ensure that the ladder or steps are secure and stable, with each step being an appropriate height for your Pomeranian. Always supervise your pup during ladder training to prevent any accidents.

Scent-Based Games

Find the Treats

Tap into your Pomeranian’s incredible sense of smell with a fun game of “find the treats.” Start by having your pup in a separate room while you hide treats throughout the house. Begin with easy hiding spots and gradually increase the difficulty level as your Pomeranian becomes more adept. After you’ve hidden the treats, invite your pup to search for them, using their nose to sniff out the hidden treasures. This game provides mental stimulation, exercises their scenting abilities, and satisfies their natural instincts.

Search and Rescue

Scent-based search and rescue games are not only mentally stimulating for your Pomeranian but also provide an opportunity to practice important skills. Begin by teaching your pup a command, such as “find” or “search.” Hide a toy or treat in a relatively easy-to-find location and use the command to prompt your Pomeranian to start searching. As they successfully locate the hidden item, reward them with praise and a treat. Gradually increase the difficulty by hiding the object in more challenging spots. This game enhances your Pomeranian’s scenting abilities and strengthens their bond with you.

Identify Objects by Scent

Enhance your Pomeranian’s mental abilities by teaching them to identify different objects by scent. Start with a few distinct objects, such as toys or household items. Encourage your Pomeranian to smell each object, associating a specific scent with each one. Once they have learned to differentiate the scents, play a game of identifying objects by scent. Place the objects in different locations and ask your pup to find a specific one based on its scent. This activity not only engages their sense of smell but also challenges their memory and cognitive skills.

Pomeranian Playdates

Arrange Playdates with Other Dogs

Socialization is crucial for your Pomeranian’s overall well-being, and arranging playdates with other dogs is an excellent way to achieve this. Seek out friends or family members who have well-behaved dogs and set up playdates in a safe and controlled environment. Allow your Pomeranian to interact, play, and socialize with other canines, fostering positive relationships and reducing the risk of behavior problems. Supervise the playdates, ensuring that all the dogs are comfortable and there are no signs of aggression or distress.

Visit Doggy Daycare

If you’re unable to arrange playdates with other dogs, consider taking your Pomeranian to a reputable doggy daycare. Doggy daycare facilities provide a structured environment for dogs to interact and play under the supervision of trained professionals. Your Pomeranian will have the opportunity to socialize with other dogs of various breeds and sizes, engage in supervised play sessions, and burn off energy in a safe setting. Doggy daycare not only provides socialization but also prevents separation anxiety and boredom when you’re away for extended periods.

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Pomeranian Obedience Class

Enroll in a Training Program

Enrolling your Pomeranian in an obedience class is an excellent way to provide structured training and socialization opportunities. These classes are typically conducted by professional trainers who specialize in small breed dogs like Pomeranians. Your pup will have the chance to learn essential commands and behavior skills in a controlled and supportive environment. Obedience classes also offer opportunities for your Pomeranian to interact with other dogs, helping them develop good manners and social skills.

Learn Basic Commands

Attending obedience classes or teaching your Pomeranian at home, learning basic commands is essential for their safety and well-being. Start with commands like sit, stay, lie down, and come, using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise. Be patient and consistent with your training efforts, breaking down each command into small steps and ensuring your Pomeranian understands what is expected of them. As they master each command, gradually introduce new ones, progressively increasing the difficulty level of training.

Bond with Your Pomeranian

Obedience classes not only provide training opportunities but also offer a chance for you to bond with your Pomeranian. These classes involve various exercises, such as leash walking and recall training, that require teamwork and cooperation between you and your pup. Through consistent training and positive reinforcement, you’ll build trust and a strong bond with your Pomeranian. This bond will extend beyond the training sessions, enhancing your overall relationship and communication with your furry companion.

Indoor Games

Tug of War

Tug of war is a classic game that never fails to entertain Pomeranians. Use a sturdy rope toy or a soft tug toy specifically designed for dogs. Engage your pup in a friendly game of tug, allowing them to use their natural instincts and strength. Be sure to establish boundaries and rules, teaching your Pomeranian to release the toy on command. Tug of war provides physical exercise, mental stimulation, and an excellent opportunity for bonding and playtime with your furry friend.


Playing a game of fetch is a great way to keep your Pomeranian active and entertained indoors. Use a soft or lightweight toy that your pup can easily grasp in their mouth. Toss the toy gently across the room, encouraging your Pomeranian to retrieve it and bring it back to you. This game not only satisfies their natural instinct to chase and retrieve but also provides them with physical exercise. Remember to use a safe and suitable area for indoor fetch, ensuring there are no fragile objects that your Pomeranian could accidentally knock over.

Interactive Puzzle Games

Interactive puzzle games are an ideal option for keeping your Pomeranian mentally stimulated while indoors. These games require your pup to solve a series of challenges, such as opening compartments or sliding pieces, to access hidden treats. Choose puzzle games that are specifically designed for small breeds like Pomeranians, ensuring they are safe and suitable for their size. These games provide a fantastic opportunity for your Pomeranian to use their problem-solving skills, prevent boredom, and enjoy a rewarding challenge.

DIY Snuffle Mat

Gather Materials

Creating a DIY snuffle mat is a fun and inexpensive way to provide mental stimulation and engage your Pomeranian’s sense of smell. To make a snuffle mat, gather materials such as a rubber mat with holes, an old bath mat, or a towel with long strands. You’ll also need scissors to cut the material into strips or strands.

Create the Snuffle Mat

Start by cutting the material into long, thin strips or strands, making sure they are not too short or too long for your Pomeranian to manipulate. Next, tie each strip or strand through the holes or mesh of the rubber mat, bath mat, or towel, creating a textured surface. The strands should be loose enough for your Pomeranian to easily bury their nose and search for hidden treats.

Hide Treats for Pomeranian to Find

Once your DIY snuffle mat is complete, it’s time to hide treats within the textured surface. Sprinkle small treats or kibble throughout the mat, ensuring they are evenly distributed. Encourage your Pomeranian to sniff and search for the hidden treats, providing mental stimulation and a rewarding experience. This DIY snuffle mat provides a great outlet for your pup’s natural foraging instincts, keeping them entertained while engaging their sense of smell.